Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Most Expressive Art Award 2013 年度最佳作品表现奖

For the 1st time, Angels’ Art Studio decided to award all of her little angel students an award for their creative artworks being produced over the year. Our intention and objectives are to:

·         Encourage our students;

·         Build up their sense of self-achievement and self-value;

·         Experience happy memories and memorable journey in learning art.

We really appreciate their efforts and creativity. All the artworks produced by each individual will be gathered and the best one will be selected. Therefore, every single child has an equal opportunity to win this Special award. It is also our Greatest gift of love that we can give to our students.
We’d like to grab this opportunity to give our deepest heart-felt gratitude to the invited judge – Mr. Tan Tong, a well-known senior artist in Malaysia, who went through serious and professional artwork selection process for all of our students.

Below are the awarded artworks, and comments are given from the 2 judges: Mr. Tan Tong and the founder of Angels’ Art Studio, Ms. Sarana Khoo. These comments are for the parents to have deeper understanding on their children’s work why it’s to be the best piece and also have better understanding on what children’s art is about.


Cheng Ian Meng   庄炎茗   (4+ yrs, 2013)
Title : Experimenting, Exploring..

Comments 评语
通过思考;运用自己的双手双脚来制作、创造、破坏;让世界产生变化,而那种变化可以直接让自己的双眼、朵和肌肤来感受 -- 这种游戏对孩子来说,没有比这更快乐的了!
This little artist kept experimenting and experiencing mixed media on the paper. Firstly doodled around with black pastel, spread the glue all over the paper, stuck the paper cutting and lastly glued randomly glued the pastel sticks!
Through the thinking process and actions, it changes the surrounding world differently through using the limbs to produce, create, destroy and feel with owns eyes, ears and skin directly. ---- Such game is forever the most enjoyable game for children.


Kareena  Karthikeyen    (4 yrs, 2013)
Title : The Sleeping Red Snake

Comments 评语:
The strokes are innocense and direct. The title and the scene are cute and interesting where the lazily sleeping red snake is well expressed in the painting.
Art is a way of expression for children. There are always full of stories and poems in children's art. Therefore, when we look at their art, we not only see what they draw, but rather we Listen to what the stories/feelings/discoveries they want to tell in the drawing. Most of the time, the children's art is meant to be LISTENED, rathen than to be seened merely. It is when being listened, the drawing turns out to be more meaningful and understandable, as well as bringing lots of joy in expression and communication learning. As a parent and teacher, the most important attitude is we use our heart to LISTEN to them, to understand them and to feel them. They do not need additional judgements and criticism from us.


Esther Low Chiao En  刘巧恩    (5 yrs, 2012)
Title : My Father

Comments 评语:
The wild spontaneous brush strokes with strength and the bright colours have created the feeling of Life and have a strong visual appeal. 
Parents are the most intimate people to the children. They are their world. This is why quite often the children use their own symbols or own ways to present their Papa & Mama, and to express their own wish. An artwork that contains love and dreams will touch the people's heart, even though it is not skillfully presented. They feel contented when their inner wish can be expressed fully, too. This is the most beautiful part that the Art gives us. It's also one of the true beautiful happiness in life!

Amirul Haikal b. Zaharol    (6 yrs, 2013)
Title : The Snake and the Precious Blue Crytal Ball
Comments 评语:
This  little artist has great imagination, good observation, very expressive and has strong drawing skills. From the way he painted water colours, we can see that he can control his hand very well and very steady. This is increadible for a 6-year-old kid who never learn art before! With proper guidance, consistent learning, the parents put in efforts in creating natural life experience and happy memories, will then make the child develop better and better as he grows.
REDUCE the unhealthy TV time and computer games for children! Do let them be with the Nature most of the time and let them enjoy the lively life with friends. The parents should spend more time to experience the happy and touching moments in life together with their children. No matter how small the thing is, it will always be the precious true life experience of joy  as long as it makes the hearts smile. As such, it will definately create a blissful, expressive artwork with inner beauty.

Lakshmi Sasikumar  ( 7 yrs, 2013)
Title : The Girl with Blueberry Jam
Comments 评语:
画中女孩,把蓝莓酱吃得满嘴脸都是,可爱极了。用色自然,选用自己喜爱的颜色而非被大人指导彩上被指定或是客观的颜色(例:头发是黑色的、脸和手是米色/橙色的 等等)。背景随意地点上色彩斑点,像纷飞的花瓣让画面产生了很有感觉的情景。
The girl in the painting looks innocently cute with her favourite blue berry jam all over her mouth and face. The harmony colours were chosen by the little artist herself, rather than being directed/taught by the adults in using the objective colours, such as the hair is black, face and hand are peach or orange in colour etc. The background is full of feelings  with the spontaneous and colourful dots that look like the flying petals.
The proper and true children's art education should be guiding the children in shining their inner gifts of lights and the true happiness from their heart. It is not about leading them towards fulfilling the expectations of the parents and teachers. They need creation, not imitation.

Wong Zi Xun   黄子薰   (7 yrs, 2012)
Title : I am Love, I am Beauty, I am Joy
Comments 评语:
This painting has greatly expressed the essences in children - the Love, Beauty and Joy, which are also the true essences in human being. Simple, yet touching!
The innocent children's art sometimes can remind the inner simplicity and joy deep inside the heart of us. Their inner world is such beautiful, we should guard their beautiful heart and nurture them with true love.
How Yuen Xin  陶彦杏  (7 yrs, 2012)
Title : Natural Tracking with Daddy
Comments 评语:
The little artist was willing to try different method instead of keep using the usual way of colouring, even when she was given a free topic, she was willing to try to express her own feelings and life experience onto the paper. Given more time and oppotunities, along with multiple approaches of guidance in art, she'll slowly breakthough herself and come out with her own true uniqueness, her own art language and icon.
Children's art is not being taught, but rather it's being CULTIVATED or Fostered. It is never too late to let them learn the proper techniques and skills more systematically at 10-year and above. Teaching the tecnniques/sketching/forms at younger age is actually setting the children into a limited frame and killing their creativity and imagination.  It will affect their natural endowments too! The art lesson is getting bored and artworks are mediocre. Moreiver, it's to be regreated that the children don't dare to explore anymore and gradully losing passion in art .
Joshua Wong Yong Zhen   黄永政   ( 7 yrs, 2012)
Title : The Story below the Full Moon
Comments 评语:
Under the Full Moon, there seemed people screaming, yelling for help, someone is holding weapons, a creature that looks like a dragon or snake... etc, it's full of imagination on such a full moon night.
Rather than teaching the children how to paint and draw, make them to create with all their self-initiative, we normally can see the unexpected stories and forms, own style originality and surprises in the artworkds. In children's art education, it's very important for us to guard the chidren into the path of creation that have their own personality, and remain their uniqueness in art. This will help the them in developing and building up their Self-consciousness.

Wong Qian Ru  黄仟儒 (7 yrs, 2010)
Title : The Gossipping Women
Comments 评语:
The facial expression of each human are very interesting, especially the mouth part which has greatly expressed the unique charateristics and personalities of each gossiping woman. Great Work!
Art drawing is the innate ability that everyone of us possesses since we are born. It is gradually being developed naturally along from a growing toddle. 1-year toddle will have the ability for 1-year, 2 year toddle will have the ability for 2-year, and as the age grows, the level of art ability that matches the age will be epxressed naturally.  Every single child is unique, and each of them have different pace of growth. Therefore, parents and teachers should not compare among the children (even among the siblings) in order to avoid any emotional imbalance, lost of self-confidence or unhealthy competition.
Joshua Wong Ju-Hua   黄祖华   (8 yrs, 2012)
Title : I Met with Two Butterfly Fairies
Comments 评语:
The story and the scene in the art are beautiful. Colours are vibrant yet harmany. The little artist has created the form of butterfly fairies through arranging the leaves patterns. It can be seen clearly that his end result was created from the logical thinking process as well as the creative process. Well Done!
Though the art always deal with our right brain, however art creation does need our left brain to find solutions that involves logical and analytical thinking process.  Therefore, a genuine children art education with multiple approaches and proper concepts not only able to nurture the aesthetic sense in children, but also able to balance the left-right brain, as well as develop their innate potentials in observation, thinking and creation.

Veeshahles  Yuveneswaran   (9 yrs, 2012)
Title : The Sleeping Angel
Comments 评语:
The distorted sleeping angel seems like the style of distorted human form drawn by Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest artists in 20th century. It is truly artistic! This little artist drew a status of a sleeping angel with great observation. It can't be compared with the real status but the work done with a patient heart worth to be encouraged. Moreover, she has created her own unique artistic style and forms, in which it deserves more praises.
It's our Human nature to prefer praises rather than criticism. So do praise more and criticize less, and mind your words that will harm their innocent hearts. Every child is unique, do discover more of your children's inner beauty and strengths.

Derrick Chan Kok Cheng  曾国正  ( 9 yrs, 2013)
Title : Happy Snake 2013
吉蛇拜年 2013
Comments 评语:
The Happy snake with big round eyes looks lively with vitality, it seems it's moving with the lively brush strokes and paints. The self-confidence and poise in this little artist can be seen and be felt through every single brush stroke.
The sincere encouragement and praise; the acknowledgement and proper guidance; and the efforts in giving children the environment and ambiece for art activity --- all these are important elements for children to build up the self-confidence, self-achievement, self-calue and the feelings of being cared very much through Art.

Eugene Foo   (10 yrs, 2012)
Title : My Beautiful Garden
Comments 评语:
An interesting piece of artwork using mixed media of paper collage, drawing skills and water colour painting. The plants and insects look lively. The sky is expressed in a unique way with personality. It is a piece of good and well-expressed artwork in overall.
There's no such child who cannot draw well , ONLY the teacher who doesn't know to guide well. Art drawing is the innate ability that everyone of us possesses since we are born. Either good or bad, it is just the matters of techniques/skills and art experience. These problems can be solved with practice, increase in experience and exploration. The most important thing is that the Child himself has the willingness to do it.

How Yann Yii  陶彦妤  (10 yrs, 2012)
Title : Crows on the Tree
Comments 评语:
孩子有愿意尝试改变惯例的绘画技巧、愿意主动、愿意学习、愿意自我探索 -- 这些都是良好的学习态度。孩子有自己的主见,并勇于向老师表达自己的想法,这是值得嘉许的。作为父母还是老师,最重要的是好好聆听孩子内心的声音,尊重孩子,适时让孩子自己作主做决定,并学习为自己的决定负责。
The little artist was trying to breakthrough her own convention way of painting, being initiative, willing to learn and self-exploration -- all these are good learning attitudes. Having a mind of her own and able to express her own opinions to the teacher are  commendable. As a parent and teacher, we should listn to the children rather than giving orders all the time. It is a matter of respect and let them be the one who can decise for themselve in a proper way and learn to be responsible for own decision.
Given more time and oppotunities, along with multiple approaches of guidance in art, she'll slowly breakthough herself and come out with her own true uniqueness, her own art language and icon.

Pravinderjeet  Kaur    ( 10 yrs, 2012 )
Title : The Grandpa Tree
Comments 评语:
Through story illustration book, the little artist painted the Grandpa tree out of her feelings and impression. The Grandpa tree isn't lonely even though he's the only tree on the land. He is being accompanied by the sweet voice of the bird, the fragrance from the flowers and grass, the beauty from the butterfly and the love from the wind.
When we appreciate an art with our heart, we can feel the beauty of poetic sense in children's art. Perhaps the children don't mean that much, but painting sometimes can reveal one's subsconscious without he/she realizes it. Therefore, art painting is one of the good ways for inner expression, expressing the suppressed emotions, mind and feelings.

Wong Xin Ru  黄欣儒 (11 yrs, 2010)
Title : Walking Alone with A Flower
Comments 评语:
A very nice paper collage art that showed great patience of the little artist in arranging the forms in various tones. It does bring out the serene ambience with the little girl walking alone in the breeze.
Children's Art Education is all about educating being sentient and affection. It nurtures the child to have a heart that appreciates Beauty, to have a pair of eyes that sees Beauty, and create BEAUTY in one's own life.

Wong Yechen   黄仪倩    (16 yrs, 2013)
Title : The City of Snake
Comments 评语:
The story of the painting is interesting, make the people able to visualize how a snake city look like. The snakes are personified as human beings, so we can see how the snakes drive and ride motors like human etc.. It's truly amusing!
Art is Life and Life is Art. Children's art is about cultivation of aesthetics. When a child learns art, we never focus on training them for art competition or train them into becoming a future artist, but we focus on the importance of fostering them to have a heart and mind that see and feel the beauty in life.
Angels’ Art Studio Malaysia
* Bringing Out Your Children’s Creative, Aesthetics and Expressive talents Through Art *

* 带着孩子,拿起画笔,走入喜悦与爱的创意彩色世界里遨游 *

Add: Subang Perdana Court 1, Blk F00-003, Jalan USJ 6/1, 47610 Subang Jaya.
Contact: 016 – 273 1062 (Ms. Khoo)