Monday, 24 December 2012

Experiencing the Art Of Palette

This was our FIRST TiME organizing a 1-day holiday workshop based on the theme – Art of Palette, held in November 2012. PALETTE is an important tool in painting, also an intimate companion for an artist. In this 1-day workshop, the participants explored further on using palette as a symbol of art creation and transformation which stimulated their creativity and expressive talents.
We had participants from the youngest at aged 6 years to the eldest at aged 17 years. At first, we weren’t sure whether they could mingle around well or not due to the big gap of ages. However, we found that our worries were unnecessary! In fact, all of them were actually mingled around so well regardless of the ages.

     They learnt some simple interesting steps of Double Doodle Play (对称涂鸦游戏 ), a unique kind of art experience which offered a rich and multidimensional opportunity for the development of whole-brain vision of the children in the use of both eyes and hands together. There were also activities that nurtured gratitude towards the things and people around, and enhanced aesthetic sense in children, too. Ecology of Joy (爱的生态学), was being weaved into the activities whole day so that everybody painted, ate, talked, laughed and played with Joy, Love and Beauty from their heart. It allowed them to feel and appreciate the beauty in everything and everyone. The whole theme and activities were carefully designed so that it was not only focused on ordinary art painting, but also emphasized on nurturing beautiful spirituality values in participants which are very important in their personality development growth.
They really enjoyed creating, painting, drawing and expressing their imagination out. Well, photos speak thousand words. You can feel their priceless happiness and how focus they were yourself from the photos below ~

     The food prepared was all healthy vegetarian meals: yoghurt fruits salads, fried noodles with vege, healthy snacks such as sea weeds and brown rice crackers, vege sandwich with cheese and honey lemon water. We definitely concerned on what the young one eats and promote healthy diet *(^ ‘ ^)*
      The love sharing circle was really loving and touched too. Here the participants had an opportunity to share their artworks and expressed their feelings & thoughts. They learnt how to express their feeling of that day through different words: “I feel HAPPY… GOOD… SATISFIED… FUN… EXCITED… INDESCRIBEABLE GOOD FEELING… CREATIVE… JOY…!!!!” And a very matured 13-year-old girl even said, “I’m STUNNED!” “Why stunned?” I asked. She said, “I’m STUNNED at myself, at my own paintings! I didn’t know that I can paint such beautifully!
     Apart from that, they also learnt to appreciate other people’s works and find the beauty in it. They expressed it through writing a love letter to each others. I wrote to each of them too, with all my love and encouragements to them. And surprisingly, I got a love letter from a young boy, too..! Thank You!
It was over time… as we simply had too much to share. Parents were surprised at their own children’s creation and felt proud of them. Some positive responses from parents below:
      Hi! I would like to thank u and Mimi for the wonderful art teaching for my both sons, they are so much enjoy! You know what? The KoKo Shao Zhong immediately showed all their artworks to his Papa and explained in details and the Little one Shao Yuan kept ‘story telling’ to us! Both of them are so excited after the class. I can see they are really enjoyed and happy yesterday! I like the teaching environment and both of your patience to the kids. In fact I chat with my friend who introduced me, we will be supporting you if you open your new class….
Karen, a Mommy of 2
Thanks.. I’d like to express my many thanks to you and Mimi for the fruitful day. My kids enjoyed them so much..! When I asked them how was it? Immediately they answered, “VERY GOOD!” and said they liked it.
Mrs. Wong, a Mommy of 3
It’s a happy day for them, they enjoyed themselves very much! Thank you! If there’s any event, keep me inform…
Mrs. Teo, a Mommy of 4
      BIIIG THANK YOU to my great assistant – Mimi, without her, this workshop wouldn’t be so success. Thanks to parents for your trust on me, and all the GREAT little angels in accomplishing my ‘virgin’ children art workshop. I’ll make it better in the coming 2013, and perhaps will structure the workshop for 2~3 days more for better contents in depth! I look forward for your continuous supports and participation. *(^ ‘ ^)*
2012年11月,小天使之艺画室Angels Art Studio ~ 第一次办的一天假期工作坊 - 调色盘上的艺术,在充满了有爱、有喜悦又美丽的欢笑声之下终于顺利完成与实现了,也在我的艺术教学经历里写下了精彩的一页,跨了一小步!
看着小朋友大朋友们用心投入地创作… 看着一个6岁的弟弟偶然地发现色彩的魔力… 看着一个13岁成熟个性独立却没对画画没什么自信的大女孩在画中惊讶地发现自己的潜能… 看着一个特殊小孩在最后的分享时刻自动地走出来把自己的作品给大家看(我还蛮Surprised的)… 看着12岁小男孩在最后写给我一张爱的message… 看着大家开始学习用爱、用喜悦和用美的心去感恩感受身边一切人事物,也开始学习表达与欣赏别人… 看着父母亲脸上写满对自己孩子的表现而感到自豪与开心… 再回想从头到尾仿佛一切都被那无形却又存在着的光与爱的天使能量流动… 哦~~~~~~ 我内心满满的感动与感恩一切的帮助、支持与信赖 ~
虽然只是短短一天的相处,但小孩之间已产生友谊,临别前还依依不舍呢~ 虽然只是短短 一天的工作坊而且仿佛还不够时间,但已为这10位小大朋友们创造出许多价值, 也为他们心灵写下幸福喜悦又有满足感的回忆。让我再好好规划与检讨,那下次可以办得更好,还可以规划个2~3 天特别的工作坊让小朋友们学得更深入更收益。也希望父母亲继续支持,成为我更大的推动力。 
Love & Gratitude 爱与感恩,
Sarana Khoo
(Siew Yee)