Saturday, 5 May 2012

Interesting Devil Mask Origami 趣味魔鬼面具

A couple of weeks ago, we had a fun Devil Mask Origami making. It’s actually a Devil Mask made for celebrating a Japanese festival called Setsubun( 節分; Bean-Throwing Festival or Bean-Throwing Ceremony to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the new year.)

With the Devil Mask origami idea, I guided the kids to make the mask into a Chinese Opera Mask. And this my little Indian angel has painted out a very authentic Chinese Opera Mask by her own. What a great fusion of cultural art – Japanese Devil Mask in Chinese Opera look painted by an Indian kid !! Cool~ *(^ ‘ ^)v

Other kids did very well too, painted fantastic and yet very unique masks using their creativity and expression individually. After they have finished making, it’s time for having FUN with the masks! Playing with the crafts or toys made by own self,  i guess the kids would feel very satisfied and lotsa joys~~

For younger kids at the YOG’Kidz centre which I have art lessons with them weekly, I just let them have fun and enjoyed painting the masks with their own ways. And indeed, the masks were really interesting! Tell u.. they really knew how to play it with their imagination and “wildness”. I can’t describe well how WILD they were. You could only feel it when were are with them ;’D . It was so much fun and happy watching them playing with the masks together.
Hmmmmm~~~ feel so satisfied and happy for myself and for the kids, when I see them enjoy my class so much, with all these awesome art works *(^ ‘ ^)v. 
上两个周末,我让孩子来个折纸艺术,制作一张独特有趣的面具。原本的折纸点子是取自一个为了庆祝日本的传统节日--節分 而做的魔鬼的面具,是用来撒豆子驱魔的。
那我将这日式的折纸面具,引导孩子画成中华传统的京剧脸谱。图中这位印度小天使画出了别具一格又带有京剧脸谱的面具,没想到还别有一番风味儿呢!一个印度籍小孩彩出了传统日式魔鬼面具配上中华京剧的脸谱。这真的是一个满棒的文化交融呀~ 酷!

其他孩子也做得很棒呢!各有各的特色,都画出了自己的味道儿。在彩绘过程时,也很专注用心哦。面具做好后,就是玩的时候啦~ 他们都拿着自己做得面具,玩得不亦乐乎呢!我想,能够玩自己亲手制作的玩意儿,内心应该会感到开心与自豪吧~

至于我那班在YOG’Kidz 的年幼小孩们,我就让他们随心所欲地彩出自己的面具咯,作品也还真的是有趣极了!告诉你哦,这班小瓜们拿着他们很快就彩好的面具,以他们的童心创意“疯狂”地集体玩了起来。我无法以笔墨来形容,唯有你在现场才能体验到他们是如何的“疯狂”。。呵呵。真的是令人开怀,开心哪~~~

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Angels’ Art Studio

Name : Khoo Siew-Yee, Artist & Certified Children Art Teacher
Contact : +6016-2731062
FB Page : Angels Art Studio 小天使之艺画室