Last week, the young kids experienced a journey of colourful hand-printing. It was a very simple activity, but they enjoyed very much, especially those little ones who first using the Acrylic paints and brushes.
Before the activity started, I had an introduction about the hand for them, i.e. what are the functions of our hands.. what we can do with our mighty hands.. The kids answered: “… painting la~ writing la~ play la~ beat people la~ (yeah, but we can’t simply beat people yoh..) take food to eat la~ wear clothes la…. Etc..” “So our Hands are GREAT, isn’t it? We have to love our hands.. Ohh I Love you, My hands!! Muaks~” They laughed when I gave my hand a very BIG Kiss! :'D They also got to know that the hands have sense to feel the heat, cold, pain, itchiness etc.
The real fun started once they got the paints and brushes with them. Truly indeed, young children do love painting and have fun with colour paints. It’s the nature of every kid and they already have the ability to paint/draw since they were born. They kept brushing their palms with different colours, and printed onto the papers. Soon, the white papers were filled up with colourful hand-prints. Later then, they started using their imagination to transform the shapes of their hand-prints into something else. Some hands had turned into fishes, some turned into flowers, trees, house, dancing hands etc. This is creativity process developing their right brains. Some of the younger kids just drew spontaneously and freely which made their hand-prints looked so expressive.
At the end of the activity…
“So… how do you feel painting the colours on your hand?”
Well~ I guess you already can feel how they feel by seeing their expressions on their happy faces and their art works that tell different stories... (^ ‘ ^)v
* Up: Dancing Hands in Colours
* Down: The Trees of Life
开始作画之前,我向小孩们做了一个有关于手的简介,让他们对于手有一些简单的认知与了解。比如说,手的功能是什么?我们的手可以怎么样用?等等。。他们会回答说:“手可以拿来画画啦… 写字啦… 玩耍啦… 打人啦…(嗯..也对啦,但不能用来随便打人哟!)… 拿食物来吃啦…穿衣啦 等等…”“你们说的全都对了!所以我们的手是不是很厉害呀?!我们要爱我们的手哦!我爱你,我的手! Muaks!!”看着我很大声也很用力地亲我自己的手,他们哈哈笑了起来。我也让他们知道手是有感觉的,可以感觉到冷、热、痛、痒等等。
Well~~ 我想正在阅读的你可以从他们作画的表情和那充满故事性的作品里感受得到吧...
(^ ‘ ^)v
大手拉小手 |
Do feel free to contact us for further details.
Name : Khoo Siew-Yee, Artist & Certified Children Art Teacher
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Contact : +6016-2731062
FB Page : Angels Art Studio 小天使之艺画室